
Senior appointment marks new era for Howard Group


Leading regional property developer and investor Howard Group has welcomed Werner Baumker to the Board as Group Director – Property, to facilitate the Cambridge-based firm’s next phase of growth.

Werner will provide operational leadership to the property team and oversee the growing family-owned and managed commercial portfolio to deliver long-term shareholder value. Werner will assist CEO Nicholas Bewes as he defines and executes the strategy for the property and capital investment business, building upon the success of recent years.

“Sharing our ethos, values and ambition, Werner is an exciting addition to our senior team. His experience gained through working for one of the most highly regarded family property businesses in the country will help us as we turn our thoughts to building this business for future generations,” said Nicholas.

Werner gained extensive industry experience at strategic and operational level during his time with the Grosvenor Estate, holding various positions in the CEO’s office. More recently, he was also instrumental in the formation of a real estate private equity business with a global investment mandate.

“I’m excited to join Howard Group at such an important time in its history, and look forward to leading the property team as we embark upon a further phase of growth and expansion,” said Werner. “The group has some significant projects underway and is well placed to build on its success in the region.”

Holding a PhD and MPhil in Real Estate Finance from Wolfson College, Cambridge University, and a BSc in International Business from Warwick Business School, Werner is well established in the Cambridge commercial property community, and currently serves as the Hon. Press Secretary for the Cambridge University Land Society.

He joins Howard Group after three years as COO for Co-Mission, a non-profit organisation which supports a large network of London churches, where he took a lead role in property matters as well as shaping its strategic direction.

Contact Us

Howard Group
93 Regent Street
01223 312 910
